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Are you stuck in a cycle?
As a child, Have you ever been curious about what will happen if you keep filling a water bottle and never stop? Honestly, I have and out of that curiosity, I ended up conducting several trials of filling a bottle with water more than its capacity. Obviously, very soon I realized that no matter which… Continue reading Are you stuck in a cycle?
5 Steps to deal with Emotional Triggers!
“It was going so perfect until one day when he told me I was not a good driver. I was taken aback, I was angry, frustrated and I immediately shouted at him” These were the exact words of one of my clients. Now, this doesn’t sound like a huge deal. Why would someone get so offensive… Continue reading 5 Steps to deal with Emotional Triggers!
I am a man and I don’t care!
It’s a competitive world out there and how dare I stop. There are times when I feel I need a break, that I need to vent out the emotional baggage I have been carrying, probably do my laundry which has been pending for weeks but who cares? I am not sure about you but certainly,… Continue reading I am a man and I don’t care!
4 Tricks to overcome fears!
Did you know that fear is not your enemy but your friend? Most of the things we have been told about fear are absolutely wrong. We have been taught to hate fear, we have been taught not to question fear and stay away from it. But does fear stay away from us? It doesn’t. Fear… Continue reading 4 Tricks to overcome fears!
How to stop being BORING?
[tatsu_section bg_color= “” bg_image= “” bg_repeat= “no-repeat” bg_attachment= ‘{“d”:”scroll”}’ bg_position= ‘{“d”:”top left”}’ bg_size= ‘{“d”:”cover”}’ bg_animation= “none” padding= ‘{“d”:”15px 0px 15px 0px”}’ margin= ‘{“d”:”0px 0px 0px 0px”}’ bg_video_mp4_src= “” bg_video_ogg_src= “” bg_video_webm_src= “” overlay_color= “” overlay_blend_mode= “normal” section_height_type= “auto” custom_height= ‘{“d”:””}’ vertical_align= “center” top_divider= “none” top_divider_zindex= “9999” bottom_divider_zindex= “9999” bottom_divider= “none” top_divider_height= ‘{“d”:100}’ top_divider_position= “above” bottom_divider_height=… Continue reading How to stop being BORING?
Improve your relationship with these 3 questions!
Have you heard of the 80–20 Principle? Well, If you haven’t, It says that 80% of your output comes from 20% of the input. This principle is widely used by various companies, industries, and businessmen to boost their productivity and efficiency. But what a lot of people don’t know is that it can be used… Continue reading Improve your relationship with these 3 questions!
What truly is love and What isn’t? Find out here!
What is the first image that comes to your mind when you hear the word “love”? Is it a couple holding each other under the falling rain? Or a couple expressing their love intimately? Or a couple arguing? It could be anything based on how you have been conditioned. But does all of it define… Continue reading What truly is love and What isn’t? Find out here!
I don’t need mindfulness!
“I don’t need mindfulness” As a young man in the early 20s, I never thought I would ever care about mindfulness and meditation, forget about implementing it in my life. And why would I? I was surviving anyway, I too had friends like everyone else, I too went to college like everyone else and I… Continue reading I don’t need mindfulness!
How to be a super achiever?
It’s actually much easier than you think it to be. We all have the amazing capabilities of achieving what we dream and aspire. But, there is one thing that comes in between success and our reality. And you guessed it right. It’s NEGATIVITY and it comes in many forms, be it jealousy, or negative self-talk… Continue reading How to be a super achiever?